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Workspaces in CodeGate allow you to organize and customize your interactions with large language models (LLMs). Each workspace is a distinct environment with its own configuration and history, enabling personalized settings and efficient management of your projects or tasks.

Examples might include workspaces for different projects you're working on, or for specific tasks like code reviews or generating documentation. You can add custom instructions to each workspace to customize its behavior suitable to the task at hand.

Key features

Workspaces offer several key features:

  • Custom instructions: Customize your interactions with LLMs by augmenting your AI assistant's system prompt, enabling tailored responses and behaviors for different types of tasks. Choose from CodeGate's library of community prompts or create your own.

  • Model muxing: Configure the LLM provider/model for each workspace, allowing you to configure your AI assistant/agent once and switch between different models on the fly. This is useful when working on multiple projects or tasks that require different AI models.

  • Prompt and alert history: Your LLM interactions (prompt history) and CodeGate security detections (alert history) are recorded in the active workspace, allowing you to track and review past interactions.

  • Isolation: Configurations and data in one workspace do not affect others, providing clarity when reviewing your AI-assisted coding history and precision in tailoring your custom instructions.

  • Use workspaces to separate different projects or objectives, with customized instructions to optimize your work in each focus area.
  • Switch your active workspace as you move between projects or tasks. This helps you maintain your prompt and alert history for each project.
  • Regularly review and update your custom instructions to align with the evolving needs of your projects.

Working with workspaces

You can view and manage your workspaces from the CodeGate dashboard (http://localhost:9090) or using commands in your AI assistant's chat interface.

Default workspace

CodeGate ships with a default workspace named default. This workspace cannot be renamed, archived, or deleted.

Only one workspace is active at any one time, and all AI assistant interactions occur within that workspace.

You can perform several actions on workspaces:

  • Activate: Activate a workspace for use. Only one workspace can be active at a time.
  • Add: Create a new workspace.
  • Rename: Change the name of a workspace.
  • Custom instructions: Add custom instructions to augment your AI assistant's system prompt.
  • Archive: Mark a workspace as archived without permanently deleting it. The workspace is hidden from the available workspaces list, but can be restored later. This is useful when you are not actively working on a project but may want to come back to it in the future.
  • Delete: Permanently delete an archived workspace (CLI only).

Manage workspaces using the dashboard

Change the active workspace

The currently active workspace is displayed at the top of the CodeGate dashboard interface. You can change the active workspace by expanding the workspace drop-down menu. Select the workspace you want to activate. You can also search by name to quickly find the desired workspace.

The workspace drop-down menu in the CodeGate dashboard

The workspace menu in the CodeGate dashboard

Manage workspaces

To manage all your workspaces, select Manage Workspaces in the workspace menu.

Click Create to add a new workspace. Workspace names can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). Names are converted to lowercase, and must be unique.

In the workspace list, open the menu (...) next to a workspace to Activate, Edit, or Archive the workspace.

Edit opens the workspace settings page. From here you can rename the workspace, select the LLM provider and model (see Model muxing), set the custom prompt instructions, or archive the workspace.

Archived workspaces can be restored or permanently deleted from the workspace list or workspace settings screen.

Manage workspaces using the chat CLI

You can manage workspaces using codegate workspace commands sent through your AI assistant's chat interface. To see all available commands, run:

codegate workspace -h

Create a workspace

To create a new workspace:

codegate workspace add WORKSPACE_NAME

Replace WORKSPACE_NAME with a name for the new workspace. Names can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

List workspaces

Get a list of all non-archived workspaces:

codegate workspace list

The currently active workspace is indicated as (active) in the list.

Activate a workspace

Switch between workspaces using the activate command. The active workspace is the current environment for commands and configuration.

codegate workspace activate WORKSPACE_NAME

Replace WORKSPACE_NAME with the name of the workspace to activate.

Customize the system prompt

To add custom instructions to your system prompt:

codegate custom-instructions [-w WORKSPACE_NAME] set SYSTEM_PROMPT

Replace SYSTEM_PROMPT with your custom prompt text. Optionally, specify the workspace to modify with -w WORKSPACE_NAME. If you don't explicitly set a workspace, the currently active workspace is modified.

Example: Set a custom system prompt for the workspace named "project-alpha":

codegate custom-instructions -w project-alpha set Start each conversation with "Welcome to Project Alpha Assistant. How can I help today?"

To show the current custom instructions on a workspace:

codegate custom-instructions [-w WORKSPACE_NAME] show

To reset (clear) the custom instructions for a workspace:

codegate custom-instructions [-w WORKSPACE_NAME] reset

Rename a workspace

To change the name of an existing workspace:

codegate workspace rename WORKSPACE_NAME NEW_WORKSPACE_NAME

Replace WORKSPACE_NAME with the current name of the workspace, and NEW_WORKSPACE_NAME with the new name to set.

Archive a workspace

To archive a workspace:

codegate workspace archive WORKSPACE_NAME

Replace WORKSPACE_NAME with the name of the workspace to archive. You cannot archive the currently active workspace. Archived workspaces can be restored later or permanently deleted.

List archived workspaces

Get a list of all archived workspaces:

codegate workspace list-archived

Archived workspaces can be restored or permanently deleted, but cannot be activated.

Restore an archived workspace

Use the restore command to recover an archived workspace. Once restored, a workspace will appear in your available workspace list and can be activated.

codegate workspace restore WORKSPACE_NAME

Replace WORKSPACE_NAME with the name of the workspace to restore.

Permanently delete a workspace

The delete-archived command permanently deletes an archived workspace.

codegate workspace delete-archived WORKSPACE_NAME

Replace WORKSPACE_NAME with the name of the workspace to delete.


Deletion is permanent. Ensure that the workspace is no longer needed and can be safely removed.